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Great Slide Board Workouts… Even if You Don’t Play Hockey!

Agility Training

If you’re reading this article, you’ve likely got a friend or family member who plays hockey and owns one of HockeyShot’s Slide Boards. You may have admired how agile they are, or the muscle tone they’ve developed on their legs since they bought it. In any case, Slide Boards provide hours of fun and fitness for any athlete to enjoy.

Here are five exercise routines you can do with any of our Slide Boards, suited for any lifestyle. Pull on your Slide Board Booties and get ready to sweat. If you’d like some help with these, click on the various links throughout the article to see a YouTube video from Bench Boss, Jeremy Rupke. The “How to Hockey” and “The Hockey Movement” marvel is well-known for helping customers get all that they need out of their training, so allow him to demonstrate

1. Speed Skater/ Dab Slide

If you’ve watched speed skating during the Olympics or World Championships, or if you know the Dab pose, you’ll pick this drill up quickly. Start off on the Slide Board with one foot flush against a bumper and the other foot on the Slide Board runway. Push off across the slippery surface, bend your knees slightly, and glide until the inside foot ends up against the other bumper. Sway your arms conservatively as if you were skating. If you have a medicine ball, you can carry that and sway it towards the opposite bumper as you slide.

Hardcore Advanced Drill:

While you glide, swing your arms until the inside arm ends up bent under your neck, and extend your outward arm in an upward angle. Maybe pretend you’re Batman, pulling up his cape as you glide. This will help you balance and have a few laughs. Repeat this movement as you glide back and forth across the Slide Board. Push off with more force and speed as you build confidence and balance. You have about eight to ten feet to cover from bumper to bumper, so you can build some good momentum.

2. Mountain Climbers

For this move, you can place your hands on the floor (or on the bumper) at one end of the Slide Board. Crouch over the bumper, and pretend you are a sprinter setting up in the starting blocks. Then, rise, up on your toes and start sliding each foot back and forward alternately, ending in a full leg extension each time. You wouldn’t make a great mountain climber doing this, but you’d get a good workout.

Hardcore Advanced Drill:

Push both feet out, then pull them in at the same time. Feel the burn in your core and you’ll know you’re doing it right.

3. The Tantrum Drill

If you have ever taken a four-year-old child to a toy store and didn’t buy them everything in sight, you may have seen them perform this drill. Lie flat on the Slide Board, with your arms spread out to your sides. Next, draw your feet towards your butt, and push your pelvis skyward. Then, slide back to the starting position. Repeat multiple times for a good workout. The further apart your arms, the more work it will be. Try one legged drills for more exercise.

Hardcore Advanced Drill:

Take your child (hopefully they’re grown up now) and your Slide Board to that same toy store. Do the drill as described above, while shouting, “I want action figures! I want a new bike!” Feel free to substitute the script with Hockeyshot products.

4. Gravity Challenged Pullups

Lie face down on the Slide Board, and grip the bumper as if it were a chin up bar. Point your toes and keep your forearms against the floor as you prop yourself parallel to the floor. Simulate a pull-up as you slide up and down as if you were doing a natural pull-up. The further out you push before pulling up, the harder it gets.

Hardcore Advanced Drill:

Have someone place a cat, small dog or human being on your back. Make sure you capture their facial expression as you complete the drill. Ensure the pet is declawed before trying this.

5. Preacher Reverse One Legged Lunges

For this drill stand about midway up the Slide Board, with your arms bent, and almost in a prayer position. Slide a foot slowly backwards, with your leg slightly bent as far as you are comfortable while maintaining balance. Alternate legs and do as many reps as you are able.

Hardcore Advanced Drill:

If you aren’t married, do this drill in front of your girlfriend or boyfriend with a ring box in your hand. Their love for you will dictate how hardcore this drill is.

Remember, these exercise routines are a great way to make the best of your Slide Board Pro, or if your sibling or roommate has one in your home. You will improve your balance, agility, muscle tone and knowledge of how much you need to vacuum your home.